2021 Zin Bob's Way

Al Scheid and Lodi grape grower Bob Hartzell had a long and enduring friendship. Hanging out with the two of them was always entertaining, the zingers flying back and forth and hearing the never-ending supply of Lodi jokes from Al’s arsenal. While it’s true that Al wished never to be stuck in Lodi again, even he admitted that Lodi is Zinfandel heaven. One evening, after humbly apologizing for his umpteenth Lodi joke and promising to play nice, Al finally got Bob to break loose with a few tons of his precious fruit. Although Al and Bob are no longer with us, the tradition continues.
The 2021 vintage has aromas of juicy raspberry, cranberry and fig, with abundant red fruit and a lingering spicy oak finish. As always, we’re proud to present our 2021 Old Vine Zinfandel or, as we affectionately call it, Zin Bob’s Way.